Q-PLUS Labs onsite services range from the usual high-tech fleet of articulating arms, scanners, and laser trackers to much simpler services that many people may not know about. These include onsite sorting and light rework. We’ve accommodated everything from half-day needs for the consulting services of a Quality Engineer to months-long projects at local shipyards and performing receiving inspections of products made overseas for the solar industry.

We’ve noticed that every company wants their quality needs to be handled a little differently. It is our focus on the details, specifics, and our ability to systematically accommodate the particular need rather than use any kind of one-size-fits-all approach that can be frustrating for customers. It’s what we hear them tell us. While we have always been customer-driven, it can be especially challenging in the realm of specialty onsite services, and it’s a place where Q-PLUS Labs excels.

Since the advent of Just-In-Time inventory management, entire shifts of factory workers can be postponed or shut down by seemingly small issues, but with an ever-increasing focus on quality, responsiveness and agility is critically important to keep manufacturing and assembly lines moving. Considering the alternative would require the costly and time-consuming return of enormous amounts of parts back to their sources of manufacture in the Midwest, the East Coast, Mexico, Canada, or overseas, having a stable, reliable local service here in Southern California that can respond quickly to solve these disruptions produces a win-win for the suppliers of these parts and components and their customers who need them.

At Q-PLUS Labs, we are experts in all aspects of dimensional measurement because it is what we do all day and have done so now for 33 years. Our goal is to provide you with the best information for your project in the most efficient and cost-effective ways. Contact us today to find out more about our on-site services.