Q-PLUS Labs Passes Major Medical Client Audit with 100% Compliance

At Q-PLUS Labs, we take our certifications, accreditations, and customer compliance very seriously, so we are always ready to put our systems to the test. We are proud to say, Q-PLUS Labs has successfully passed another major medical client’s audit with flying colors. These days, customers are more particular than ever, especially medical clients, so these audits are quite rigorous and in-depth.

An experienced customer Lead Auditor conducted a comprehensive, systematic, and in-depth inspection and review of our entire system including compliance, quality systems, testing job management, and equipment calibration in accordance with their requirements as defined in the respective Quality Agreement, which is increasingly popular, especially for our major clients.

Currently, because of critically important testing work that we continue to perform for the COVID-19 testing effort, audits remain in remote form for the foreseeable future to minimize the risk of an outbreak. Such remote audits can be even more difficult and require adept use of modern video-conferencing technology to simulate an on-site audit as well as possible, including tours! However, document sharing is sometimes an issue, so upfront planning helped mitigate that challenge.

We were pleased that no critical or major deficiencies were observed in this audit. The auditor recognized the robust procedures of Q-PLUS Labs’ quality systems, records, and the comprehensive level of internal processes in place to ensure 100% compliance. Our Quality Team always take prodigious notes for any suggestions or input, and we are very appreciative of the time and effort spent by our customer. The team always gets useful and helpful insights that we value. Each “set of eyes” that scrutinizes our quality system only has the effect of making it continuously better!